Beef with broccoli: il migliore a Aviano

(classifica aggiornata al 08/05/2024)
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2 risultati corrispondono a Beef with broccoli

Dove mangiare Beef with broccoli a Aviano

1. Ristorante Cinese Yufen
85/100 (79 valutazioni) - Consigliato da 8 persone
Suggeriti dagli utenti: Pakchoi , Gamberi Sale E Pepe , Tiger Roll , Steamed Dumpling , Anatra Arrosto Di Pechino
Dicono di noi: They have moved over to another part of town across from the COOP in Aviano Centro and now go as Tai Ji Fusion. I think the menu has improved, as has the restaurant scenery. Not to mention there is actually parking at this location. Before it was almost impossible to park if they were busy. Now you have the coop and their business plaza parking lot available. It's still a tight squeeze but better than before. They do not offer kids menus or meal specials but the menu is fairly inexpensive with numerous options to fit your needs. Sitting is comfortable and they have a much more modern, updated look. I had a selection yesterday of the menu and it was enjoyable. The egg drop soup was unique from any other restaurant in the area. I was intrigued by the variations. We had three children with us and two adults and we enjoyed the time. I also saw an acquaintance there and enjoyed a conversation with his table seated next to us and didn't have to scream to talk. So the seating is cozy if you are okay with that. Overall enjoyable lunch.
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2. Taiji Food Fusion Restaurant
85/100 (60 valutazioni)
Suggeriti dagli utenti: Anatra Arrosto Di Pechino , Tempura Misto , Spaghetti Di Riso Gamberi E Verdure , Rainbow Roll , Tali Udon
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