Pork: il migliore a Siena

(classifica aggiornata a Febbraio 2025)
9 risultati corrispondono a Pork

Dove mangiare Pork a Siena

1. Zest Ristorante & Winebar
88/100 (2042 valutazioni) - Consigliato da 3 persone Prenota un tavolo
Orario di oggi: 12–22
Menù del ristorante: Filetto di Suino al Brunello e Cipolline Caramellate €0.00 , Roast Beef all’insalata di Mesclun con vinaigrette di Rafano e Zucchine grigliate €0.00 , Tagliata di Manzo su giardinetto di Rucola, Pomodorini e scaglie di Parmigiano €0.00 , Saltimbocca di Vitello alla Romana €0.00 , Basilico €0.00
Suggeriti dagli utenti: Beef Tartare , Tartar , Saltimbocca Di Pollo Con Pancetta , Three Peppercorn Sauce , Spaghetti Carbonara
Dicono di noi: Locale situato nel centro storico di Siena, vicino alla casa di Santa Caterina: si può mangiare anche fuori, nella bella stagione (con i tavoli un po' in discesa...). La cucina è quella tipica senese, che spazia dai crostoni, ai taglieri di salumi, ai pici declinati in varie maniere, alla tagliata di manzo. Discreta la scelta dei vini, con possibilità di scegliere anche il calice (tra l'altro è uno dei pochi posti dove te lo riempiono proprio!). Nel complesso abbiamo mangiato bene, ma il prezzo è sensibilimente più alto dei altri posti dove siamo stati: la qualità è nelle media senese, ma non giustifica questa discrepanza di prezzo.
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2. Osteria degli Svitati
85/100 (1345 valutazioni) - Consigliato da 6 persone Prenota un tavolo
Orario di oggi: 12–14:30 | 19–21:30
Suggeriti dagli utenti: Pici Alle Briciole , Panzanella , Selezione Di Affettati E Pecorini , Bacio Di Siena , Insalatona Della Casa
Dicono di noi: Io e il mio compagno ci siamo fermati qui oggi a pranzo. Il locale è molto semplice, fuori un paio di tavolini in una viuzza poco trafficata. Abbiamo preso un piattino di affettati misti e Pecorino, due piatti di pici (uno al ragù e uno agli aromi e briciole SPETTACOLARI), due calici di Chianti e due caffè, abbiamo speso in totale 36 €. Prezzo pienamente nella media. Il cibo era assolutamente ottimo, qui trovate la cucina toscana vera, poca apparemza e molta sostanza... Di qualità! Ottima esperienza!
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3. Osteria Permalico
85/100 (1898 valutazioni) - Consigliato da 9 persone Prenota un tavolo
Orario di oggi: 12–15:15 | 18:45–22:15
Suggeriti dagli utenti: Tagliata Di Manzo Buona Ma Meglio Ben Cotta Al Sangue Non È Stata Perfetta , Meat , Antipasti , Patate Al Forno , Vino Della Casa
Dicono di noi: Locale situato nelle viette adiacenti al duomo di Siena, esterno carino e interno molto in stile ‘old’, rispecchia pienamente l’atmosfera dalla città! Prenotate perché è spesso pieno. Abbiamo saltato gli antipasti quindi non so darvi un giudizio, mentre abbiamo provato due diversi tipi di condimento per Pici: cacio e pepe, Permalico (sarebbe una carbonara rivisitata in chiave senese). Entrambi molto buoni! Per secondo abbiamo diviso una tagliata, e devo dire che sono rimasto un po’ deluso, la carne non era eccezionale ed era un po’ troppo nervosa per i nostri gusti, questa tuttavia è stata l’unica nota dolente. Al momento del conto siamo rimasti stupiti perché avendo preso due primi, un secondo, due calici di vino, due acque, un caffè ed un’amaro abbiamo speso solo 46 euro! Quindi qualità prezzo decisamente buona! Personale gentile. Voto 7,5/10 per la qualità, 9/10 per il prezzo. S.
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4. Ristorante Tar-Tufo
83/100 (903 valutazioni) - Consigliato da 10 persone Prenota un tavolo
Orario di oggi: 19–22:30
Suggeriti dagli utenti: Tagliolini Al Tartufo , Pane D'accompagnamento , Quaglia , Pinot Nero , Wild Boar Risotto
Dicono di noi: Siamo stati in questo ristorante caratteristico io e il mio compagno e devo dire che ci siamo trovati molto bene.. Personale molto gentile e preparato.. Cibo di ottima qualità servito in deliziosi piatti
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5. Gino Cacino di Angelo
82/100 (2801 valutazioni) - Consigliato da 9 persone Prenota un tavolo
Orario di oggi: 08–20
Suggeriti dagli utenti: Paninis , Al Pepe Verde , Pomodorini , E Formaggi , Mousse Di Pecorino
Dicono di noi: Che dire... la classica chicca che scopri passeggiando e curiosando se non avessi TripAdvisor. Credo di non aver mai mangiato un panino così buono. Tutto perfetto, dal servizio -veloce e confortevole- alla selezione delle pietanze. Il conto adeguato alla qualità offerta. Se volete mangiare i panini ad 1€ andate nei fast food... questa è un’esperienza culinaria. Tornerò sicuramente!
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6. Ristorante Millevini
82/100 (408 valutazioni) Prenota un tavolo
Menù del ristorante: Tagliata al profumo di rosmarino con patate €14.00 , Pappa col pomodoro €8.00 , Pesche con vino Rosato, zucchero di canna e menta €5.00 , Galletto alla griglia con insalatina croccante di verdure €10.00 , Filetto di maiale con patate morbide alla erbe aromatiche €12.00
Dicono di noi: Dentro le mura della fortezza Medicea , ottima location, ampia carta dei vini ( non poteva essere altrimenti ) e cucina tipica locale niente male, in più la possibilità di scendere in cantina per il dopo cena. Poter cenare in un ambiente del genere non ha prezzo . Consigliato
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7. Agriturismo Il Castagno
81/100 (416 valutazioni) - Consigliato da 5 persone Prenota un tavolo
Menù del ristorante: Selezione di salumi €26.00 , Cnatuccini con vin Santo €10.00 , Tiramisù €8.00 , Selezione di formaggi €16.00 , Flan al cioccolato con cuore caldo €8.00
Dicono di noi: Firstly let me say this review is not about the accommodation (which was excellent), but the food. I will try later to review the accommodation. 1st Course To start with we were brought an amuse bouche, this was “Pappa al Pomodoro” a bread and tomato soup. It tasted like a tin of tomatoes and some bread that had been put in a liquidiser. It was adequately salted, but had none of the chilli, pepper, or basil, you might expect, nor was it lifted or garnished by the addition of any fresh tomatoes as you might expect. Disappointing, but at least it was free. 2nd Course My friend had raw red Tuna with a veal sauce (€20). This looked and tasted lovely, our hopes were raised. I opted for the “Tartere di Gambero Rosso” (€18). This was about 4 teaspoons of raw peeled shrimp, atop a mound of Samphire (asparago di mare). The shrimp was unseasoned and uninspiring. The samphire however was sour, incredibly salty but worst of all it was mostly wood. I have had and enjoyed samphire many times, this tasted like it was out of season & untrimmed (hence so much stringy wood), simply rinsed - not steamed or blanched (which would explain the sourness and saltiness). It was frankly inedible. I ate the shrimp (after salting it), and sent the large mound of samphire back. 3rd Course Though sceptical at first as its not a “native” fish and we were some way inland I opted for the Cod (Baccala Rafols Confit) (€25). as the waiter had specifically recommended it. It came with an infusion of local flowers and I chose roasted potatoes to accompany it (€8) When it arrived it was beautifully presented. However that was all that was good about it. It was fairly tough and stringy, it was a long way (in both time and distance) from where it was caught. It was poorly seasoned (needed salt) and the infusion was insipid, like someone had dropped a few petals in hot water. The potatoes were contrarily incredibly salty. I grudgingly ate the cod (as I was hungry), but most of the potatoes I offered to my wife (see below) as she was also hungry (see below). Two of my friends opted for the Hare Pasta (“Papardella Con Ragu de Lepre”) (€18 each), while my wife chose the Porcini Tagliatella (€15 each). The Papardelle came with a very small amount of meat sauce that was incorporated into the pasta. The whole dish was dry. I know that hare is very lean and so could be classed as a dry meat, but there was so little sauce to accompany it that the whole dish was dry. Worse than that it had no flavour. No seasoning, nothing. The best way to describe it was as if someone had put a few spoons of reconstituted soya mince on top of a bowl of unsalted pasta. My friend and his wife took a few bites then left it. As we got up to leave we saw another table receive the same dish. It had about ten times as much Ragu on top, it was piled all over the pasta. My wife’s Porcini Tagliatelle was awful. It tasted like someone had reconstituted some dried porcini in hot water, put it (water and all) in a blender, and then just poured it unseasoned on top of the pasta. There was no shortage of this “sauce”, but it tasted so bad my wife was unable to eat it. She tried to scrape it off and eat the pasta (hungry by now), but ended up leaving this and eating my potatoes (she even left some of those as they were so salty). The three plates of Pasta were returned 75% untouched. We told the waiter how bad these were, he apologised, but we were not offered any explanation or even potential replacements. As we did this we saw that another table had returned the Porcini tagliatelle, again mostly uneaten. If we had been anywhere else (in a city) we would have left and ate elsewhere but being in a remote location we had no choice. As the two ladies were still hungry they chose some desert, the only other choice was cheese, but this was only “blue” cheese, and was listed at (€30+!). My wife had “Semifreddo Al Zefferano” (€10). It arrived looking very uninspiring, indeed it was close to sloppy, with the supposed “Chantilly” already wilting and puddling on the plate. I am certain it was simply topped with canned squirty cream! As for the semifreddo, my wife could not cut through it with a spoon, I had to do it myself. A square of hard over-frozen, over-stored uninspiring sweet nothingness and they charge ten Euros for. My friends wife had the “Dame Blanche” (€10). It was passable but un-noteworthy. More of a slice of ice-cream cake with a drizzle of chocolate on-top than a desert. If I had to guess it’s provenance I would say it was simply bought in a shop for €10 the whole, cut into 12 then sold for €10 a slice. With the meal was a Chianti Classico 2015, from their own vineyards (€24), which was a very good wine (maybe the best we had tasted in Tuscany) and a Rose (€14) which was OK. Total bill €191. We wondered if the Chef was on his day off, and if not; why had he not tasted the food he sent out. The seasoning alone veered from zero to too salty to eat, the presentation ranged from fabulous (cod and tuna) to slop (semifreddo). As for the pairings, pasta needs sauce, and preferably lots of it. To top it with a few teaspoons of dry stew is unforgiveable. Throughout our entire Tuscan stay we have had the most wonderful food, bold flavours, fresh vegetables, tasty meats. We ate in fine Restaurants, cheap Trattorias, Osterias, Pizzerias, Enotecas, Sandwich shops and even the airport and on the plane. We ate steaks, calzones, cold meats, hot stews, amazing Gelati. We never had a bad meal the whole time. Except here. This was the worst meal we had the entire week in Tuscany, in fact it was the worst meal I can remember in about ten years. I have never sat at a table and had to send back three plates of food (all pasta). It was also the most expensive. But it gets worse. The next day we saw the Receptionist / Manage, and explained how disappointed we were in the meal the previous evening. She said she would look into it and do something for us. So the following day on departure we had a discussion. While apologetic, she was mostly dismissive of our complaints (to the point of arrogance). She had talked to the Chef and among other excuse she said; “Hare Ragu is meant to be dry;” Then why pair it with pasta? “Samphire does contain woody fibres” I responded that in general there should be nothing on the plate that was not edible, she said I was supposed to suck the flesh of the stems. I said it wasn’t a small amount of wood, it was mostly wood, it needed (like normal asparagus) to be trimmed, not just piled on a plate roots and all. “They had no other complaints”; Then why did we see another plate of pasta being returned? “Implied that regarding the seasoning we had unsophisticated palates.” Then why was some food too salty to eat, others had no seasoning at all. “Why did we not go into the kitchen and speak to the chef” I responded to this with incredulity, was it my task to break off my Birthday Meal and seek out the chef and maybe have an argument in the middle of dining. I said surely it was the waiter’s job to relay my complaints to the Chef, and the Chef when seeing plates of food being returned to the kitchen to not seek out the diners and ask them what was wrong. If ever I have sent a plate back uneaten before the usual response has been “can we prepare you something else. Not silence. As we were getting nowhere, and the response was a stock “there was nothing wrong with the food” (the fact that we neither ate or enjoyed it seeming to be of no consequence), I sikmply asked; “So do you think we should pay the entire bill, even the plates we sent back uneaten. She said, and somewhat arrogantly, “Of course”. That says it all. So while the location and accommodation was fantastic, the staff almost universally pleasant and helpful, the facilities wonderful (though the ambience in the dining room was fine for breakfast, but a little too sparse and bright for an evening meal); and the even the breakfast fine (though not outstanding) my advice would be; Sleep here, eat somewhere (indeed anywhere) else. Ciao
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8. Il Salotto
81/100 (702 valutazioni) - Consigliato da 20 persone Prenota un tavolo
Orario di oggi: 12–15 | 18:30–23
Menù del ristorante: Tagliatelle al sugo di gallinella di mare €10.00 , Insalata deliziosa €7.00 , Carpaccio di chianina con porcini, rucola e parmigiano €9.00 , Insalata mista €4.00 , Prosciutto crudo e melone €8.00
Suggeriti dagli utenti: Pistachio Cheese Cake , Pici Al Ragù Di Cinghiale , Pici Cacio E Pepe , Tagliatelle Al Burro E Scaglie Di Tartufo Fresco , Tagliata Di Cinta Senese E Verdure Miste Grigliate
Dicono di noi: Fine settimana a Siena, i musei sono chiusi la cattedrale in ristrutturazione, fa freddo e sul nostro cammino incontriamo il Salotto...locale giovane e moderno ma con piatti della tradizione curati nell'aspetto e molto buoni, vino ottimo, lo consiglio vivamente.
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9. La Torre alle Tolfe
85/100 (103 valutazioni) - Consigliato da 5 persone Prenota un tavolo
Orario di oggi: Aperto 24 ore su 24
Suggeriti dagli utenti: Grand Platter of Brassicaceous Vegetables with Fried Eggs and Green Oil Chlorophyll
Dicono di noi: In these extraordinary times, it's hard to find a restaurant where you can feel totally comfortable to eat out, but at La Torre alle Tolfe, there is space. You are accommodated either in the main sala where there is a long communal table or at smaller well spaced tables in front of a roaring fire. It is blissful. We arrived hungry and felt like trying everything on the menu (a great indication!), which is well chosen and based on seasonal ingredients sourced locally (if not from their orto). Chef Andrea was previously at the Hotel Garden in Siena and is doing great things in the kitchen.
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