Vegan Hills Honolulu

Vegan Hills, Honolulu 3585 Waialae Ave - Honolulu

Full menu with prices and photos
Basato su 442 punteggi e recensioni
82 /100
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Menu Vegan Hills

  • Popular Items
    • VLT Sandwich
    • Why Not Chos?
    • Mac N Cheeze
    • Red Hot Chili Bowl
    • Tomato Bisque
  • Appetizers
    • Why Not Chos?
    • Jack Slider
    • Breakfast slider
    • Mac N Cheeze
  • Soup
    • Tomato Bisque
  • . . .
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Last update on 29/12/2023
30 Recensioni
Last update on 21/12/2023
205 Recensioni
Last update on 03/12/2023
89 Recensioni
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47 Recensioni

Last update on 03/12/2023
1 Recensioni


Jess Stillone
This place is amazing!! So good that we went two days in a row during our 5 day holiday in Oahu. On our first day we ordered the tuno melt and my parter made his own DIY sandwich with bbq jackfruit and plenty of other fixings. They were incredible! The sandwiches were a great size and the focaccia bread was such a nice change from the normal sourdough that most cafes use. I loved the tuno melt sandwich. So much flavour and creaminess! Highly recommend! On our second day, we went all out. We ordered the nachos, jackfruit sliders, mac and cheese, a cinnamon rolls, iced matcha and the cherry limeade. Everything was amazing but the Mac and cheese was the winner! You could fool anyone and they would think that was loaded with diary butter and cheese. Wish we could go back just for that Mac and cheese!
Angela Dunsmoor
Very tasty! The pancakes were light and fluffy, and the avocado toast was very tasty. The vegan chili was also very good, according to my meat eater friend. I would highly recommend calling in a reservation, since it gets busy.
I enjoyed a most impressive, flavorful, filling, well-prepared, beautifully presented meal at Vegan Hills this morning. It was precisely what I had been craving and was embellished by the aesthetics of the restaurant, and the pleasant disposition of the wait staff. I arrived shortly after the restaurant opened on a Wednesday. I was immediately drawn by the clean look of the place and the music playing upon entry. I was acknowledged immediately, seated and offered a menu and the specials of the day. I was allowed ample time to make my selections, yet my waitress did check on me, periodically. This was especially well-received considering what I was craving, the expanse of the menu, and the fact that I just take forever to make choices sometimes (you'd hate to shop for groceries with me)😁. I didnt feel rushed, but I didnt feel ignored, either. I finally decided on hot Turmeric Mango tea, French Toast, a Jackfruit Slider and a pancake and herbed potatoes, both from the 'sides' section of the menu. I showed up with my appetite. Lol. The French Toast...I-. Just YES. Please dont deprive yourself of the french toast. The bread was of a fine selection. It was evenly cooked with the perfect firm:fluff ratio, and hinted at sweetness. The portion was significantly larger than I had expected. The whipped cream on top was refreshing and almost reminiscent of ice cream. The strawberry slices completed the flavor package extremely well. I stopped myself halfway through the french toast so that I could save it for last. The potatoes were cut into the perfect size (for me) to enjoy. The were well seasoned, and not just salted. Again, a HINT at saltiness. I made light work of them. The pancake, too, was larger than I had expected. The vegan butter was the perfect salty spread to go along with the sweet maple syrup. I finished the pancake with haste. The Jackfruit slider had the perfect sweet and savory BBQ(?) sauce and was topped with purple cabbage slaw that gave an awesome flavor-texture compliment. My mission was breakfast, but the slider was such the apropos nod to lunch that I didnt know I needed. The tea was also very refreshing and aside from its health benefits, did well to soothe, and pleasantly cleaned the palate after the final sweet morsels of the french toast. I warmly enjoyed the variety of the genres of music, although it was at the perfect volume and all stayed in the same realm of calm and relaxation. I thoroughly enjoyed the entirety of my visit, even down to the compassionate message at the bottom of my receipt. I will make every attempt to visit again. If delicious and cruelty-free are you what you desire, head for the Hills. Vegan Hills, that is. *cheesy commercial smile* *thumbs up* lol.
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08:00 AM - 03:00 PM
08:00 AM - 03:00 PM
08:00 AM - 03:00 PM
08:00 AM - 03:00 PM
08:00 AM - 03:00 PM
08:00 AM - 03:00 PM

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Lo chef consiglia

VEGAN HILLS, HONOLULU - 3585 Waialae Ave - Menu and Prices

La valutazione derivata dal nostro aggregatore di recensioni “Sluurpometro” è di 82 basato su 442 parametri e recensioni.

Per contattare telefonicamente basterà chiamare il numero +1 808-735-3585



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Basato su 442 punteggi e recensioni

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