Angelo's Pizza

Angelo's Pizza, Melbourne 4540 W Eau Gallie Blvd - Melbourne



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Last update on 30/12/2023
1 Recensioni
Last update on 23/12/2023
48 Recensioni
Last update on 03/09/2020
3 Recensioni


Sean & Michelle Lewis
WOW!!!!! What a huge change form the previous place. If you like real, authentic NY pizza...this is the place. Its amazing and great service. The pizza at Joey's was bland and seem like frozen pizza. I do NOT agree with the reviews above. I believe you are a competitor trying to make them look bad
Claudia Sullivan
Fantastic pizza. Just like home (NY) owners are friendly and do nice. Don't let the location deceive you. Go in for a good NY slice. I heard the entrees are great too.
Carol Knight
Well I just had my first pizza from Angelo's!!! I seriously can't remember how long it's been since I have had one that tasted so FRESH!! I could actually taste the sauce, cheese. The dough was soooooo good lol. Was a pleasure to eat! Thanks for a great pizza!!
Joe Green
Just tried Angelo's for first time. Got two slices & could only eat one, they were so big. Very good looking pizza with fresh ingredients, can't remember eating better pizza. Will be my new go-to pizza place.
Big Boy Dining Out
Angelo's Pizza- Melbourne- 4 Stars Dutifully pulling out my list of restaurants in Brevard yet to be reviewed, my eyes alit on Angelo's Pizza in Melbourne. I hesitated for a brief I want to hit another pizza place? Yes, yes I do. I tell ya, reviewing food is a tiresome job, but someone has to do it and I am always willing to take one for the team (no need to thank me, my Cardiologist does that). Upon entering said eating establishment, I was immediately struck by the cleanliness and the decor. The counters were spotless, the tables were spotless, the floor was spotless, the place virtually sparkled with cleanliness. The walls have that peeled paint to bare brick wallpaper on them and it makes the whole place look like an old world, old-time pizza place. They certainly set the atmosphere to the menu in Angelo's as the food is as good, if not better than what you would find in an old world pizza place. I was directed towards an open table by Alexia and as I sat down she approached with a menu and told me she was the owner and she would be serving me today. It's always nice to see a hands-on owner in a restaurant. It's been my experience, that generally speaking when the owner is this involved, the fare is much better. This turned out to be the case here as well. I ordered their Chicago style Italian beef sub sandwich, a slice of deep-dish lasagna, a side of garlic knots and a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. As Alexia returned with my order I was overwhelmed with the smell of freshly baked bread along with fresh Marinara sauce and melted cheese. If everything tasted half as good as it smelled, this was going to be a great lunch. The first thing I noticed after my first bite of the Chicago style Italian Beef Sub was the freshness of the bread. It was springy with a crunchy crust as only fresh baked bread can be and was toasted to perfection. It was well packed with fresh cut slices of beef that had been flavored with Italian herbs and spices, smothered with roasted bell peppers, onions and cheese. It was a pure delight on the palate. Next up was my slice of Deep Dish Lasagna. I can only describe this as something akin to Chicago style deep dish pizza. Instead of sauce on the bottom, like traditional lasagna, this had pizza crust like a deep dish pizza. The bottom crust was then layered as a traditional lasagna with all the fixings and fresh cheeses. This is then topped with another pizza crust, sprinkled with fresh herbs, spices and grated parmesan, then baked to a perfect golden brown. As I took my first bite, it literally exploded with flavor on my palate. The combination of the lasagna filling, the fresh herbs and the freshly baked top and bottom dough was like something I had never had before and it was truly delicious. I then turned my appetite towards the freshly baked garlic knots that had been attacking my olfactory senses since their arrival upon my table. They were simply amazing. They pulled apart like only freshly baked goods can and accompanied by a side of homemade marinara sauce are worth the trip to Angelo's all by themselves. This brings me to the final item to be sampled, their spaghetti and meatballs. As this menu selection is pretty much standard fare on every Italian or Italian-American joint in the country, it is a fairly good barometer with which to measure a restaurant's quality. Angelo's put the other's to shame with their simple, yet eloquent take on this menu staple. Their sauce is fresh, the meatballs are made fresh daily and the cheese. Oh, man the cheese! So much YUM! My whole meal was incredibly tasty, amazingly fresh and, as one can surmise, monumentally filling! The Big Boy says, "If you like Italian food. Don't miss this place. Angelo's is a must." #bigboydiningout #iamthebigboy
Michelle Lewis
Me and my family have eaten lots of pizza throughout the years at many places and let me tell you Angelo's Pizza is probably the best pizza I've ever tasted. I work right down the street and I have sent several people over there my manager usually cannot eat the crust of pizza or the bottom of it and he said he ate the entire thing best white pizza he ever had I would absolutely recommend this pizza place over anywhere else
Ben Hough
It's now Angelo's Pizza. Had a slice the other day and now I am back for a whole pie. Authentic New York style pizza and it's pretty darn good. They offer cheese steaks, pasta dinners, calzones and strombollis, plus a variety of sweets and other finger foods. Looks like they deliver. Check it out support your local businesses.
Tammy Thurber LLC
We have ordered from there twice both deliveries. The phone call is pleasant. The first calzones where perfect. The second pizza and stromboli still amazing.. only down fall is it reminds me of back home.
gi gi
Amazing! I love the people that work here!! They are so welcoming!! The pizza is affordable and good! It just became my weekly go to!!!
Big Bass
Fantastic ny pizza huge slices!! And 5 min from where i live and they deliver!! Yayy!! See you soon angelos 🍕 pizza!!


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