Sex on the beach: il migliore a Frascati

(classifica aggiornata a Febbraio 2025)
2 risultati corrispondono a Sex on the beach

Dove mangiare Sex on the beach a Frascati

1. Garage San Rocco
79/100 (376 valutazioni) - Consigliato da 10 persone Prenota un tavolo
Orario di oggi: 18–01
Suggeriti dagli utenti: Special Punch Mixology , Strudel Di Mele , Sex on the Beach
Dicono di noi: Very beautiful scenario, and that's why I decided to try this a few times, however I once was told in a very arrogant manner how it was sort of made fun of for asking juniper in a gin and tonic - I was served G&T with juniper berries in the world's top bars and quite enjoyed it! The second time, I booked a table at happy-hour time, I was placed in the most uncomfortable seat of the entire place but hey they were busy. Waited like 20 minutes or more for someone to come and take our order and then 20 more minutes for the spritz to come. We repeatedly asked for someone to come and take our orders and got almost ignored. The spritz comes and we then get offered, after a while, some snacks and of course we said yes! We were presented with two mini bags of Fonzies chips, while other customers were enjoying a much better selection of snacks. The spritz was something like 5euros and definitely overpriced for what we experienced. Rethink your customer service, it really felt like other people were privileged compared to us, you never know who can spend 100s of $$ in your place, and it definitely won't be us!
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2. Tower Pub
77/100 (195 valutazioni) - Consigliato da 6 persone Prenota un tavolo
Orario di oggi: 18–01:30
Suggeriti dagli utenti: Sbriciolata Alla Nutella , Hugo , Bocconcino Lowcarb Con Pochissimi Carboidrati Zuccheri E La Salute Ringrazia , Sex on the Beach
Dicono di noi: Passeggiando per Frascati, una sera dei primi di settembre, abbiamo notato, un pochino distante dal centro, questo bel pub con i tavoli fuori in una piazzetta tranquilla. Un po' la passeggiata un po' il caldo, ancora incombente, ci siamo concessi una birretta rinfrescante e giusto aperitivo per la cena che di lì a poco saremmo andati a gustare. Ottime birre accompagnate da stuzzichini e ragazze gentilissime e "accoglienti" che ci hanno messo subito a nostro agio dandoci tutte le indicazioni per una ordinazione adeguata alle aspettative. Viva la ristorazione fatta in questo modo!
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