Veal fillet with foie gras: il migliore a Tremezzina

(classifica aggiornata al 26/04/2024)
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1 risultati corrispondono a Veal fillet with foie gras

Dove mangiare Veal fillet with foie gras a Tremezzina

1. La Terrazza
83/100 (294 valutazioni) - Consigliato da 4 persone Prenota un tavolo
Orario di oggi: 19:30–22:30
Menù del ristorante: Millefoglie di ovis mollis, crema al mascarpone e frutti di bosco €0.00 , Grande antipasto di pesce €0.00 , Menu degustazione Gualtiero Marchesi, quattro portate più dessert con vini abbinati €220.00 , Astice in salsa di peperoni €0.00 , Insalata di spaghetti al caviale, erba cipollina €0.00
Suggeriti dagli utenti: Mille Feuille , Sweet Pepper Sauce , Pasta In Più Strati , Egg with Caviar , Red Wine
Dicono di noi: We went for dinner to La Terrazza Gualtiero Marchesi last Friday on our honeymoon. It was a gift from my sister as a wedding present and was intended as the jewel in the crown of our trip. The experience was awful. Unbeknownst to us at the time, my sister had been asked to leave a huge €800 deposit for our meal for 2 persons and after a series of hoops managed to have it reduced to €500. She also requested we were met with glasses of champagne on our arrival and given a special desert and were generally made a fuss of. None of these things happened. The anglophone Maître D' was surly and patronising from the start. We chose the a la carte menu. I had the tribute to Jackson Pollock to start which may be perfect for instagram but was just not very nice, like a decorative mayonnaise painted with squid ink, and then fish with Gaspacho. The fish was tiny and minus any vegetables, alone on its plate - the Maitre D' had not recommended side orders to accompany it, and my husband's meal was entirely average while the desert was un-remarkable. Every time the Maitre D' came over, the chip on his shoulder seemed to become more evident. I have eaten in some magnificent Michelin starred restaurants where the food is extraordinary to look at and the evening a beautiful performance in both service and fine dining. This wasn't one of them. We were massively disappointed by our evening. I don't know what the bill cost as my sister settled it, but I imagine around €400-500 - a very expensive way to be underfed and subtly patronised. We won't be returning. It doesn't cost anything to make people feel welcome on their honeymoon.
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